Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Using psfrag with pdflatex; A useful workaround

A very useful trick for using psfrag with pdflatex came across here. I am just blindly copy pasting this (fearing that the original link go missing for whatever reason. Well it is not all that hard to remember, but someone may find it useful and save some internet searching time) from the source link [1]


Using psfrag with pdflatex

German version

psfrag is a LaTeX package which allows to replace text elements in included EPS graphics by arbitrary LaTeX output. E.g. you can make fonts in your graphics match your document fonts or even include mathematical formulae in your graphics. For example:

\psfrag{y}{$y = x^2$}

When using latex (not pdflatex) the file diagram.eps will be included. The extension is appended automatically. While doing this, every occurrence of "x" in the diagram is replaced by "x" using math font and every "y" is replaced by the LaTeX formula "y = x^2". Partial strings are not replaced, only completely matching strings.

Because psfrag uses Postscript for making the replacements, in principle you can't use psfrag with pdflatex which doesn't have any interfaces to postscript.

A possible way around the problem is the following:

The basic idea is to produce a new EPS from your original EPS which already contains all those psfrag replacements. This new EPS graphic actually can be converted to PDF including all replacements. The resulting "encapsulated" PDF then can be used with pdflatex.

To make such an EPS which already contains the replacements, it is necessary to create a separate LaTeX document for every EPS file you use. To simplify that task, I wrote a perl script which can be downloaded right here:


This script needs: perl, latex, dvips and the common EPS to PDF converter script epstopdf.

To use the script you have to create two files per graphic:

  • _fm.eps: the EPS file itself,
  • _fm: a fragmaster control file.

From these files the psfragged graphics will be created:

  • .eps,
  • .pdf

The control file is basically a LaTeX file (with optionally special comments) and can look like this:

% Just an ordinary comment
% A special comment:
% fmopt: width=6cm
% Another special comment:
% head:
% \usepackage{amsmath}
% end head

% psfrag commands:
\psfrag{y}{$y = x^2$}

The special comment fmopt: will be evaluated such that the following text will by passed as optional argument to \includegraphics. This way you can e.g. adjust the relation between graphics size and font size using something like width=6cm.

The special comment construct "head:"/"end head" causes the lines in between to be included in the preamble of the LaTeX temporary document after having the leading comment characters "%" stripped off. This way, you can include LaTeX packages.

fragmaster.pl will scan the current directory for files which end in _fm and their _fm.eps counterparts. Looking at the modification dates, the script checks if the output files have to be remade and does so if necessary.

In your LaTeX document you can include the produced graphics using


conveniently omitting the file extension. latex will choose the EPS, pdflatex will choose the PDF.

Example files:

Problems and solutions

In case the EPS will be produced as landscape graphics, i.e. gv shows "Landscape" instead of "Portrait" in the menu bar, and the graphic will end up turned around 90° in your document, then it is likely that your original EPS is wider than it is tall. In this case some (more recent) versions of dvips make the "smart" assumption that your graphic is landscape, even though the graphic's proportions don't tell anything about the orientation of its contents... Anyway, you can make dvips behave nicer by specifying the following line in /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/config.pdf (or a local equivalent inside /usr/local/share/texmf):

@ custom 0pt 0pt

In the likely case that you're wondering why, I'd recommend the dvipsk sources (to be found in the tetex bundle) warmly to you...

Have fun with the script! Feedback is very much appreciated.


Links to other solutions

The Perlscript itself (downladed and interlaced from [1]) is given below. Copyright and others are as per listed below(see [1] as well).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# $Id: fragmaster.pl,v 1.3 2006/09/26 08:59:30 tvogel Exp $
# fragmaster.pl
# creates EPS and PDF graphics from source EPS and control files
# with \psfrag commands
# Copyright (C) 2004 Tilman Vogel (dot at dot)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# @ custom 0pt 0pt
# TO YOUR /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/config.pdf
# Source files:
# _fm.eps
# a source EPS file
# _fm
# a control file containing \psfrag commands and optionally
# special comments:
# % fmclass:
# use instead of "article"
# % fmclassopt:
# use as class options instead of "12pt"
# % head:
# %
# % end head
# causes to be put into the preamble
# % fmopt:
# causes to be given to \includegraphics as
# optional parameter
# fragmaster.pl scans the current directory for files matching the
# pattern "*_fm" and "*_fm.eps" and converts them to the respective
# ".eps"- and ".pdf"-files if they are outdated.
# Credits:
# This script was inspired by a posting from
# Karsten Roemke (dot at dot)
# with subject
# "psfrag pdflatex, lange her"
# in de.comp.text.tex on 2003-11-11 05:25:44 PST.
# Karsten Roemke was inspired for his solution by postings from
# Thomas Wimmer.

die "Current path contains whitespace. I am sorry, but LaTeX cannot handle this correctly, move somewhere else. Stopped"
if $cwd =~ /\s/;

foreach $fm_file (<*_fm>) {
($base = $fm_file) =~ s/_fm$//;
$source = "$fm_file.eps";

if(! -f $source) {
print "Cannot find EPS file '$source' for fragmaster file '$fm_file'! Skipped.\n";

$dest_eps = "$base.eps";
$dest_pdf = "$base.pdf";

$do_it = 0;

$do_it = 1
if ! -f $dest_eps;
$do_it = 1
if ! -f $dest_pdf;

if(! $do_it) {
$oldest_dest = -M $dest_eps;
$oldest_dest = -M $dest_pdf
if -M $dest_pdf > $oldest_dest;

$youngest_source = -M $fm_file;
$youngest_source = -M $source
if -M $source < $youngest_source; $do_it = 1 if $oldest_dest > $youngest_source;

if( $do_it ) {
print "$fm_file, $source -> $dest_eps, $dest_pdf\n";

open FMFILE, "<$fm_file" or die "Cannot read $fm_file!"; $tempdir = `mktemp -d fm-$base.XXXXXX` or die "Cannot make temporary directory!"; chomp($tempdir); print "using $tempdir/\n"; open TEXFILE, ">$tempdir/fm.tex"
or die "Cannot write LaTeX file!";

$fmopt = "";
@fmfile = ();
@fmhead = ();
$fmclass = "article";
$fmclassopt = "12pt";
while () {
$fmopt = $1 if /fmopt:(.*)/;
$fmclass = $1 if /fmclass:(.*)/;
$fmclassopt = $1 if /fmclassopt:(.*)/;
if (/head:/) {
push @fmfile, " $_%\n";
while() {
last if /end head/;
push @fmfile, " $_%\n";
# Remove comment prefix
push @fmhead, "$_%\n";

push @fmfile, " $_%\n";

print TEXFILE <<"EOF"; \\documentclass[$fmclassopt]{$fmclass} \\usepackage{graphicx,psfrag,color} \\usepackage{german} EOF print TEXFILE foreach(@fmhead); print TEXFILE <<'EOF'; \setlength{\topmargin}{-1in} \setlength{\headheight}{0pt} \setlength{\headsep}{0pt} \setlength{\topskip}{0pt} \setlength{\textheight}{\paperheight} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-1in} \setlength{\textwidth}{\paperwidth} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \special{! TeXDict begin /landplus90{true}store end } %\special{! statusdict /setpage undef } %\special{! statusdict /setpageparams undef } \pagestyle{empty} \newsavebox{\pict} EOF print TEXFILE "\\graphicspath{{../}}\n"; print TEXFILE <<'EOF'; \begin{document} \begin{lrbox}{\pict}% EOF print TEXFILE foreach (@fmfile); print TEXFILE " \\includegraphics[$fmopt]{$source}%\n"; print TEXFILE <<'EOF'; \end{lrbox} \special{papersize=\the\wd\pict,\the\ht\pict} \usebox{\pict} \end{document} EOF close TEXFILE; chdir($tempdir) or die "Cannot chdir to $tempdir!"; system("latex fm.tex") / 256 == 0 or die "Cannot latex fm.tex!"; # Using -E here, causes dvips to detect # the psfrag phantom stuff and to set the BoundingBox wrong system("dvips -E -P pdf fm.dvi -o fm.ps") / 256 == 0 or die "Cannot dvips!"; chdir("..") or die "Cannot chdir back up!"; open PS, "<$tempdir/fm.ps" or die "Cannot read fm.ps!"; open EPS, ">$dest_eps"
or die "Cannot write $dest_eps!";

# Correct the bounding box by setting the left margin to 0
# top margin to top of letterpaper!
# (I hope that is general enough...)
$saw_bounding_box = 0;
while() {
if(! $saw_bounding_box) {
# if(s/^\%\%BoundingBox:\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/\%\%BoundingBox: 0 $2 $3 $4/) {
if(s/^\%\%BoundingBox:\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/\%\%BoundingBox: 0 $2 $3 792/) {
$saw_bounding_box = 1;
print EPS;

# Not using -E above causes
# papersizes to be included into the PS
# Strip off the specifications.
# Otherwise gv doesn't show the BBox
# and epstopdf won't detect the correct
# PDF media size!

# while() {
# s/^%!PS-Adobe.*/%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0/;

# next if /^\%\%DocumentPaperSizes:/;
# if(/^\%\%BeginPaperSize:/) {
# while() {
# last if /^\%\%EndPaperSize/;
# }
# next;
# }
# s/statusdict \/setpage known/false/;
# s/statusdict \/setpageparams known/false/;
# print EPS;
# }

close EPS;
close PS;

system("epstopdf $dest_eps --outfile=$dest_pdf") / 256 == 0
or die "Cannot epstopdf!";

system("rm -rf $tempdir") / 256 == 0
or die "Cannot remove $tempdir!";

close FMFILE;


Friday, February 02, 2007

Mystery, Mastery, Myths and Realities